Sunday, February 24, 2013

Skeletal System notes!

○ Consists of trunk & limbs.
         • trunk: skull, spinal column, ribs, and breastbone.
○ Ligaments: binds the bones together to form joints.
○ Tendons: muscles attached to bones.
○ Bones protect vital organs.
○ Bones act as levers, stores minerals, and are the site of blood cell formation.
○ There are 205 bones in the horse's skeletal system.
          • vertebral column - 54
          • ribs - 36
          • sternum - 1
          • skull - 34 - irregular
          • thoracic limbs - 40
          • pelvic limbs - 40
○ Bones are classified as long, short, flat, or irregular.
          • Long bones - act as levers & aid in support of weight and locomotion
                    • Locomotion: the ability to move from one place to another.
          • Short bones - absorb concussion
                    • found in complex joints such as knees, hocks, fetlocks..
          • Flat bones - enclose cavities containing vital organs.
                    (skull: brain ; ribs: heart & lungs)
                    • also provide large areas for attachment of muscles.
          • Irregular bones - protects the central nervous system
Periosteum: a tough membrane that covers the bones throughout the body except at their points of articulation.
          • protects the bones
          • site of healing if there is a fracture
          • abnormal growth is called extosis
          • injury may result in undesirable bone growths (splints, spavins, ringbone)
          • covered with a thick, smooth cartilage that reduces concussion and friction.
○ Cranial Cavity - protects the brain and supports many sense organs
○ Orbital Cavity - bony socket that surrounds and protects the eye
○ Nasal Cavity - passageway the the respiratory system
○ Oral Cavity - mouth - passageway to the digestive tract

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