Tuesday, November 6, 2012

More random bonus questions.

Title says it all...
(*)Give 3 other names for a saddle blanket. --Numnah, pad, corona.
(*)Name 4 of the internal parts of the horse that are affected and damaged by the EIA virus. --Kidneys, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, brain.
(*)Give 5 advantages of pelleted horse feed. --Less bulky to store; balanced ration; less waste; eliminates dusty feed; less fattening; less pollution.
(*)Name 4 conformation defects of the horse's knees. --calf knees; bucked knees; benchkneed or offset knees; cut out under the knee; knock kneed or in at the knee; mis-alignment of the knees.
(*)Name the 7 joints in the hind quarter. -- Hip, stifle, hock, fetlock, pastern, coffin, sacro-iliac
(*)Name 6 grass hays. --Timothy, brome, orchardgrass, bermuda grass, bluegrass, bluegramma, bluestern, fescue, wheatgrass, reed canarygrass, rye grass, sudangrass
(*)What are the 2 bones in the gaskin? --Tibia and Fibula.
(*)What does the panniculus muscle do in the horse? --It moves the skin and shakes flies off the horse.
(*)Name 3 vitamins that can be toxic if given in large amounts. --Vitamins A, D, & K.
(*)What are 3 sources of dietary energy? --Carbohydrates, Fats, and Protein.
(*)What 4 electrolytes are lost in sweat and urine during physical exertion? --Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and Calcium.

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